Introduction and setup

This document is a guide to using the RH code during AST5210. We will be using the RH 1.5D version of the code, which also has online documentation. You are expected to run the code yourself, either on your personal computer or using the Institute's Linux machines. The documentation describes how to download, compile and install the code, but here are some quick instructions.

RH 1.5D needs two external libraries: HDF5 (for the input/output) and MPI (for parallel processing). If you are using the Institute's Linux machines, they are already installed. If using your laptop, they are probably not installed. See instructions below for compiling in both cases.

Installing in Linux machines at Institute

  1. SSH into a local machine (e.g. beehive) and load the intel compilers and hdf5 module
  2. Clone the RH repository
  3. Edit Makefile.config, change CC to mpiicc, F90C to ifort, LD to mpiicc, and HDF5_DIR to /astro/local/hdf5/1.10.1/intel
  4. Compile

Here's a summary of the commands to do the above:

$ ssh beehive
beehive$ module load Intel_parallel_studio/2018 hdf5/Intel/1.10.1
beehive$ git clone
beehive$ cd rh
beehive$ nano Makefile.config
beehive$ make -j8
beehive$ cd rh15d
beehive$ make -j8

Installing in your personal computer

This procedure may not work in Windows; it was only tested for Linux and MacOS.

RH needs C and Fortran compilers with the OpenMPI and HDF5 (parallel build) libraries. Manual installation is possible, but not recommended for those not experienced in building Unix packages. The easiest way to install all the necessary compilers and libraries is through the miniconda or Anaconda Python distributions. If you don't have conda installed, download and install it first (get the latest python 3.x versions).

The first step is making sure you have C and Fortran compilers installed. Most Linux machines already have this installed (gcc and gfortran); if not you can install them via conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gfortran_linux-64 gcc

If you are on a Mac, you can also install the compilers with conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gfortran_osx-64 clang_osx-64

Once you have the compilers working, you need to the following:

  1. Install MPI and hdf5 from Anaconda
  2. Clone the RH repository
  3. Edit Makefile.config, change CC to mpicc, F90C to gfortran (or other, if you are using another Fortran compiler), LD to mpicc, and HDF5_DIR to $HOME/anaconda/ (edit if you have miniconda or Anaconda in a different location)
  4. Compile! (Make sure mpicc is the conda version)

Here's a summary of the commands to do the above:

$ conda install -c conda-forge openmpi hdf5=1.10.4=mpi_openmpi_hd93f08e_1005
$ git clone
$ cd rh
$ nano Makefile.config
$ make -j8
$ cd rh15d
$ make -j8

If you don't have git, you can download a zip file with RH instead.

Installing Jupyter and helita for analysis of output

The Jupyter notebook (and associated packages) will be necessary to follow the exercise notebooks and visualise the output of RH 1.5D. If you are using the Linux machines, Jupyter and all necessary packages are already installed. If you don't have it installed in your personal computer, you can again use Anaconda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab ipywidgets ipympl widgetsnbextension xarray nodejs

You will also need helita, a Python package that contains modules to load and visualise the output of RH 1.5D. To install it, you do:

$ git clone
$ cd helita
$ python install --user

There is also a zip file if you don't have git. If installing in your personal computer, you need C and Fortran compilers (see above).

For both the Institute machines and your own computer, you will need to activate the Jupyter widgets with:

$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager jupyter-matplotlib

After that, you are ready to start jupyter lab:

$ jupyter lab

To test your installation and try out the RH 1.5D widgets, you can run the sample notebooks inside the rh/doc/notebooks directory. In the terminal, got to that directory and enter jupyter lab.

You can also test the widget output of Jupyter by running the slab and transp radiative transfer visualisation widgets. These do not require any files from RH, and are based on the IDL and routines. You can start them in Jupyter in the following way:

%matplotlib widget
from helita.sim import rh15d_vis

Running Jupyter lab remotely from the Linux machines

This step is optional.

It is possible to not only run Jupyter in your own machine, but also having it running on a remote computer at set to display the notebook in your own web browser. This way you can combine the best of both worlds: use a powerful computer with large memory and disk space, but keep a responsive graphical interface in your own computer. (You don't even need to install jupyter or all the programs in your computer.)

To to this using the Institute computers, you need to set up an ssh tunnel and configure your browser to connect to that address. Here's an example using the beehive machine:

$ ssh beehive
beehive$ module load python
beehive$ jupyter lab --no-browser

You see above that when you start jupyter, you'll get a lot of output but most importantly a URL. Save that URL. It is unique for this session and you'll need it later. The above gets jupyter started, then you need to connect to it. For that, we will use an SSH tunnel. First, we need to be able to connect to beehive directly, so you need to change the ~/.ssh/config file in your own computer. Add the following to the file (if it doesn't exist, create it):

Host beehive*
    ForwardX11 yes
    User username
    ProxyCommand ssh -XY -W %h:%p

And replace username by your own username (two locations). Then you run the following command in your computer to start the SSH tunnel:

$ ssh -NL 9999:localhost:8888 beehive

This will map port 8888 on beehive to port 9999 on your computer. You then use the URL you got from jupyter, change 8888 into 9999, and enter it in your browser. Then you should see jupyter running on beehive.

Using Jupyter for these exercises

We will be using the Jupyter notebook to run Python code to work with RH. If you haven't used it, there are several tutorials you can read to familiarise yourself with it.

RH has a few Jupyter notebooks that illustrate some visualisation routines. You can try them out interactively with your own runs of RH, but for most of the work here is is recommended that you start your own notebooks and type code as you go.

In the first cell of all your notebooks it is recommended to keep all the necessary imports and other boilerplate code that you don't want to type often. The following cell should cover all your basic imports for these exercises:

%matplotlib widget
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helita.sim import rh15d, rh15d_vis

In all the examples from now on, it is expected you have already ran the code above in your notebooks. This code uses the ipympl backend for matplotlib, which allows interactive figures inside notebooks but has some drawbacks. If you redo plots without clearing old figures or creating new figures, you may run into problems with disappearing plots or plots updating in a new cell. The recommended approach for creating plots in a new cell is the following:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(...)  # or ax.imshow(...), or any other matplotib command

In the above you need to replace "..." with your plot command. In subsequent cells, you should name figures and axes differently, e.g.:

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()

Otherwise, you will be updating the plots in the previous cell. If you get stuck with a disappearing figure, or have too many open figures (matplotlib will complain if you have more than 20), you can always close all of them:
