Tiago M. D. Pereira

I am an astrophysicist with an interest in solar physics and computational problems. Based at the University of Oslo (Norway), I work on the confluence of observations and computational models.


My main area of research is stellar atmospheres, and the solar atmosphere in particular. Most of the light that reaches us across the universe comes from the atmospheres of stars, making them an essential component in astronomy. In my work I enjoy combining observations of the solar atmosphere with cutting-edge simulations of this dynamic layer, and learning something in the process.

Current research

Presently, I work on observations and modelling of the solar chromosphere, a thin but precious layer that is sandwiched between the bright solar surface and the million-degree corona. I am a part of the science investigation of IRIS, a NASA satellite that aims to study how mass and energy flow through different layers of the Sun's atmosphere. Among other things, I have studied the diagnostics from the NUV window of IRIS, and use them to learn about the energy transfer across the solar atmosphere and the dynamics of the solar chromosphere.

Previous work and positions

  • NASA ARC and LMSAL (Palo Alto, CA, USA): NPP Postdoctoral fellow. Worked with Bart De Pontieu on chromospheric dynamics and the diagnostics of IRIS
  • ANU, RSAA (Canberra, Australia): Postdoctoral fellow, PhD Student. Worked with Martin Asplund on 3D models of the solar photosphere and the solar oxygen abundance.
  • ISF, KVA (Stockholm, Sweden): Research trainee. Worked with Dan Kiselman on solar observations and data reduction pipelines for 2D spectroscopy.
  • CENTRA, IST (Lisbon, Portugal): undergraduate student. Worked with Ilidio Lopes on asteroseismology of dwarf stars, solar interior models and dark matter.


You can find my publications on ADS using my ORCID: ORCID iD0000-0003-4747-4329. Most papers should be open access or freely available, but I'll be happy to send you a copy if there is one you cannot access.

My PhD thesis is available from the ANU Digital Theses.


Together with a bunch of like-minded enthusiasts, in 2017 I started the European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS), a regular series of streamed seminars.


Current Students

  • Kilian Krikova (PhD)
  • Aditi Bhatnagar (PhD)
  • Mats Ola Sand (PhD)
  • Elias Udnæs (PhD)
  • Ignasi Josep Soler Poquet (PhD)

Former Students

  • Christophe Blomsen (MSc, 2024)
  • Thore Espedal Moe (PhD, 2023), thesis
  • Edvarda Harnes (MSc, 2023), thesis
  • Elias Udnæs (MSc, 2022), thesis
  • Ilse Kuperus (MSc, 2022), thesis
  • Bruce Chappell III (MSc 2021), thesis
  • Ida Risnes Hansen (MSc 2021), thesis
  • Mats Ola Sand (MSc 2021), thesis

About Me

I have a minimal footprint on social media. And no Facebook account. Hopefully this page will provide all the juicy bits you're looking for.

In my free times I am often seen in the outdoors. I enjoy all kinds of skiing, but have not yet been brave enough to jump down the Holmenkollen. I was a proud member of the ANU Mountaineering Club for several years. Over the years I've been involved in several different sports, from rock climbing to kendo. In the past I have also participated in the Portuguese Adventure Racing Championships, as the leader of team LEFTones. I did Aikido for several years, and a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I was an instructor with APADA.


No Spam!

Work phone: (+47) 22 85 50 08

Postal address:
Postboks 1029 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo

Visiting address:
Office 205, Svein Rosselands hus, Sem Sælands vei 13, Oslo, Norway